This is my blogchalk:
United States, Texas, San Antonio, English, , Lori, Female, 36-40, Photography, History.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

I Don't Talk Funny

Your Linguistic Profile:

60% General American English

20% Dixie

10% Upper Midwestern

5% Midwestern

5% Yankee

What Kind of American English Do You Speak?

John & Bev's Wedding

John & Bev's Wedding

Meet Mr. & Mrs. Tomato! Absolutely beautiful location in the hill country near Hunt, TX (see http://www.bevmuldoon.com/wedding). Joe officiated (really!).

Monday, April 18, 2005

No Mad Max for SA

Mad Max Buffs Get Arrested

Fiesta, yes. Mad Max, no.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Lori's Little Secret - Update

I emailed Christine Rimmer, the Author of Lori's Little Secret the other day, and actually got a response from her attempting to explain away the eery similarities of her main character with yours truly. She assures me she's making it all up...

Hi Lori,

Well, what can I say? I've published over 50 books and nothing quite like this has happened before. And you're even from Texas--as is Lori Lee in my book, Lori's Little Secret. You're right. Long odds.

This will also crack you up--I decided to move into mainstream romance (till now, I've been writing away happily at what we call "series.") I sold my first mainstream to HQN books this January on a synopsis and three chapters. It's kind of a romantic suspense--but light. The hero's name is...Rio Navarro.

Who woulda thunk it?

Best always,

From what I know of the book, it concerns the love life of one Lori Lee, from the Texas Hill Country, and her relationship with Tucker Bravo and his family. There's no similarity in the plot line to my life, fortunately (it is a cheezy romance), but it's still kinda creepy. Only $4.99 from Amazon. I may pick up a copy just for laughs. I ought to have ol' Christine autograph one for me.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Amazon.com: Books: Lori's Little Secret (Special Edition)

Amazon.com: Books: Lori's Little Secret (Special Edition)
OK, now this amuses me. And so does this. I guess I'm easily amused.