This is my blogchalk:
United States, Texas, San Antonio, English, , Lori, Female, 36-40, Photography, History.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Stupid White Guy
Michael Moore and Me

It's been a while since I've posted, I know, but i just can't keep quiete about this idiot. If there's one premiere faker in this country that claims to be "all that" it's Michael Moore. God, the whole Cannes thing just proves it. Remember when he was a guirrala filmaker, bound to show that the simple, happy folks in Flint, MI diserved to build cars for inflated wages just because their fathers did? Those days are over, anyway, but he sort of had a charm about him. Back then, he seemed to me to be a simple social commentator, bent on the loss of a good life. Loving nostalgia, like folks who remember the white picket fences of the '50's -- but know thet just can't go back because times and the economy have changed.

Now he's schlepping his crap dressed in ill-fitting suits that he would have denied having in his closet just a few years ago. What happened to the everyman in the baseball hat trying to convince us that guns kill children? The "I'm just one guy, but I gotta know..." interview questions.

Now he's battling Disney over not releasing a film that is surely nothing but left wing crappola we don't already know. Anyway, Miramax was supposed to release the film this year, after they BOUGHT -- that's right, Michael, BOUGHT the property from you for an untold amount of money that you now use to finance your wardrobe. So you're getting pissy they didn't actually release it? It's up to them. YOU SIGNED AWAY YOUR RIGHTS TO COMPLAIN. If you want your movies released at your own will, pull a Mel Gibson and bankroll the thing. Then come up with the marketing smarts to get your story out there. This should be common knowledge for a social warrior like yourself. Shit, it's no wonder the French like you. America's always been rigged (and -news flash- so is everywhere else in varying degrees). We seem to like it that way. Michael, what's wrong with you? Retard with a camera.

Sorry. I feel better now.

posted by Lori at 5:40 AM

Monday, May 10, 2004

Thanks for staying up with me so late and talking Sandra, sometimes, that's just what I need -- appreciate it and will try to keep up with this blog thing.
