This is my blogchalk:
United States, Texas, San Antonio, English, , Lori, Female, 36-40, Photography, History.

Sunday, February 29, 2004

Nigerian Scam Update:
Write a winning "Business Proposal." Here's a generator tha will automagically create scam email for you. No longer will you slave over your desk writing these convincing business proposals. Simply fill in a few blanks, and bam! instant scam letter for you to send out to all of your trusted contacts.

Friday, February 27, 2004

The buzz on repelling mosquitoes 02/26/04
It's winter, and it's cold (even in Texas), but the Savana Morning News saw fit to run this bit about Mosquitos and how to get rid of them. The article feeds the rumor that bugs are out in Georgia even in winter. Actually, it's an ag student's dream -- gives good advice and counters a lot of claims. Too bad they ran it in FEBRUARY!

Thursday, February 26, 2004

The earth has stopped spinning on its axis. Seriously. For once I agree with Roger Ebert. I have not been to see "The Passion of the Christ," and I really don't intend to see it anytime soon. It sounds silly, but I really don't think I could deal with the violence. That's me -- the person who watches at least 2 hours of Law and Order per day. I just don't think I need to see the crap beat out of Jesus Christ for my sake, just one more time. Maybe it's good for some folks. Maybe they need it -- or our culture needs it. No wonder the Jews are pissed. I think Mel Gibson put his money where his mouth is when he made the thing, and I applaud him for doing it. Even though I don't want to go see it, I can still think that it needed to be made. It just isn't be for everyone. Not me at least.

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

The Creatures From the Sandwich Shop - Behind the singing rodents in the Quiznos ad. By Seth Stevenson

Quizno's singing rats commercial.... weird. "We love the subs! 'Cuz they are good to us...." How to come to terms with this haunting creatures.

From the same group of people -- there's the man that suckles from a wolf teat... really... Here it is.

But wait... there's more. The SpongeMonkeys really like The Moon (takes a bit to load, but in a strange way, worth it).

Saturday, February 21, 2004

Search by Location
Groovy new search from Google Labs. Enter the zip code and what you're looking for. Amazingly accurate - better than all those crappy yellow pages sites!

Skinema: Dermatology in the cinema
A horribly serious "film buff" site. Either this poor schmuck has skin problems, or he's just got too much time on his hands -- or both.
And here's what we learned today, folks:
"Actors with skin conditions serve as examples that skin lesions can happen to anyone and can often be treated. The majority of films use skin disease to convey a character's devious motivations. Finally, very few films depict characters with skin disease sympathetically. We must remember that the attitude towards skin disease in movies to some extent both reflects and informs the perceptions of our society."

Stupid Computer Tricks
You think this is outrageously funny if you've spent eight years or more working in a Tech Support department.

3rd Annual Nigerian EMail Conference
Ever get those Nigerian requests for your bank account? Did you know the Nigerians have annual conferences to organize their efforts? I used to collect the emails, print them out, and post them on a job board under "investment opportunities." For some reason, every time I got one, they cracked me up. The US government takes them seriously, though, as apparently several US businessmen have gone so far as to visit their sponsors and get themselves killed. Anyway, this is a hilarious spoof page. You'll be relieved to know that -- "The conference, it is over. It was a most successful event."

Sunday, February 08, 2004

transorbital.com - Transorbital Technologies
"Meanwhile the perfusion of the Internet proved least to mention sensational." Whatever.

Dave Barry's Blog